D7210 Dental Code - Surgical Removal of Erupted Tooth

D7210 Dental Code - Surgical Removal of Erupted Tooth

Dental procedures can be complex and require precise coding for accurate billing and insurance claims. One standard dental procedure is surgically removing an erupted tooth, D7210, in the American Dental Association's (ADA) coding system. However, this seemingly simple numeric sequence conceals a wealth of information and plays a pivotal role in the reimbursement process for dental practitioners and insurance providers. The role of professional coders in accurately assigning this code cannot be understated, as their expertise ensures proper reimbursement, compliance with insurance regulations, and the transparent recording of dental procedures. Among dental billing companies in the USA that are providing trusted services, MedsDental Billing Company understands the intricacies of dental billing, including D7210, and is committed to simplifying the process for dental practices.
In this article, we will delve into the specifics of D7210, explaining what it entails, when it's necessary, and how it is coded.

CDT D7210-Surgical Extraction of Erupted Teeth and Retained Roots

D7210 dental code description: AAOMS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) says that D7210 is a dental procedure code denoting "the extraction of an erupted tooth, which may necessitate bone removal and/or tooth sectioning, encompassing the elevation of the mucoperiosteal flap if necessary." It is also called wisdom tooth extraction code and majorly includes:

  • Cutting of gingival and bone
  • Removal of tooth structure
  • Minor smoothing of the socket
  • Closure

This code encompasses various types of teeth, including molars, premolars, canines, and incisors. Dentists typically employ this code when a tooth cannot be extracted through non-surgical means, such as routine extraction procedures. This code is a vital component of the dental coding system, serving as a standardized way to document and bill for a surgical intervention that may be necessary for various reasons, such as impacted wisdom teeth, severe dental decay, or orthodontic treatment planning.
D7210 dental code cost encompasses the entire spectrum of care, from initial suturing to final closure, and includes essential routine follow-up procedures.
Typically, the reimbursement rate for D7210 is set at a level that is 150–180 percent higher than standard rates. The increased complexity and extended duration of the removal procedure involved justify this elevated fee structure. Dental professionals should evaluate whether D7210 Surgical Removal of Erupted Tooth is necessary and, if so, discuss post-extraction options such as the use of a D2393 Dental Code - Crown - Prefabricated Stainless Steel with Resin Window with their patients.

Extraction codes

Along with D7210, another major surgical extraction dental code is D7140. The main difference between both is given below:

  • D7140 dental code: extraction, erupted tooth, or exposed root
  • D7210 dental code: Surgical removal of an erupted tooth requiring removal of bone or sectioning of a tooth (including elevation of the mucoperiosteal flap if indicated.)

What are the Warnings and Limitations of the D7210 Dental Code?

Now that you fully understand what is dental code D7210? It is time to know some important considerations of this code.
Misuse Warning: It is inappropriate to code D7210 to extract an erupted tooth if the extraction does not involve bone removal and/or dental sectioning.
Suture Placement: Inserting sutures alone does not meet the criteria for D7210 surgical extraction, as this code pertains to the excision of bone and/or the "sectioning of the tooth."
Mucoperiosteal Flap Inclusion: If necessary, the elevation of a mucoperiosteal flap is encompassed within the scope of code D7210.

Coverage Rationale

When considering the need for D7210 surgical removal of an erupted tooth, dentists and patients may require regular Periodic Oral Evaluation to maintain optimal oral health. Surgical extraction, also called open extraction of an erupted tooth, is indicated when there is:

  1. Absence of visible clinical crown
  2. Tooth or root fracture during non-surgical extraction
  3. Erupted teeth with unusual root anatomy
  4. When developmental abnormalities in erupted teeth make non-surgical extraction potentially unsafe or harmful
  5. When periapical lesions are present in the vicinity of the tooth
  6. For teeth that have been crowned or undergone endodontic treatment due to altered structural considerations
  7. For maxillary posterior teeth whose roots extend into the maxillary sinus
  8. When a tooth is fused or tightly connected to an adjacent tooth, requiring precise separation
  9. When fused to an adjacent tooth
  10. In the presence of periapical lesions
  11. For maxillary posterior teeth whose roots extend into the maxillary sinus
  12. When the tooth has been crowned or been treated endodontically

Comprehensive Documentation for D7210 Dental Code

  1. To meet the criteria for the D7210 ICD-10 code, it is advisable to utilize an intraoral camera, which effectively demonstrates the treatment's execution by a licensed dentist following established protocols.
  2. Furthermore, upon completing the procedure, capturing a photographic record of the specific tooth segment subjected to the intervention serves as compelling evidence of bone removal.
  3. For comprehensive substantiation of the dental code claim, including any relevant supporting images or radiographic evidence in conjunction with the requisite documentation is imperative.
  4. When extracting a tooth fractured beneath the bone, it is crucial to adequately document and justify the necessity of bone removal during the procedure.
  5. In cases where tooth extraction involves half-cutting, particularly for teeth with curved roots, a clear rationale for this approach must be included in the records.
  6. The code D7210 signifies the completion of the extraction process. Some dental insurance providers may request the submission of the more complex D7210 procedure to the patient's medical insurance before approving reimbursement.
  7. If you have already submitted the claim to the medical insurer, make sure to include the medical explanation of benefits when submitting the dental claim form.

The albeoloplasties always necessitate precision and accuracy; otherwise, the payers will reject the claim.Dental billing outsourcing with MedsDental is the best approach to escape this dilemma.

Additional Information about the D7210 Dental Code

The dental billing code D7210 outlines a tooth extraction procedure that demands specialized skills and tools for safety measures. While it is generally less complicated than traditional methods, there is still a risk of damaging the tooth or surrounding tissues like nerves and blood vessels. Patients who choose this extraction may face a higher Duration and complexity fee from their dentist due to the extended treatment time and intricate removal process involved. This fee can be approximately 150 to 180 percent higher than standard procedures. When billing for this procedure, it is advisable to request dental billing code D7210 instead of code 7140 for bone removal or tooth sectioning.

Why It’s Important to Outsource D7210 Dental Code Billing?

Expertise: Dental code billing is a complex process that demands a deep understanding of the American Dental Association's coding guidelines. Outsourcing to professionals ensures accurate coding and reduces the risk of errors that could lead to claim denials.

Time-Saving: Outsourcing frees up valuable time, allowing dentists to enhance the quality of their services and patient interactions.

Reduced Costs: Outsourcing eliminates the need for in-house billing staff, saving on salaries, benefits, and training expenses.

Optimized Revenue: Expert billers are adept at maximizing reimbursements by ensuring all services are appropriately coded and documented, ultimately increasing a practice's revenue.

Technology Advantage: Outsourcing providers often have access to advanced billing software and tools that can streamline the billing process, improving efficiency.

Why Outsource D7210 Dental Code Billing to MedsDental?

Are you a dental practice looking to streamline your operations and boost revenue? Outsourcing D7210 dental code billing to MedsDental Billing Company is the smart choice. Our team comprises skilled dental billing professionals who are well-versed in the nuances of D7210 coding, ensuring accurate claims submission and increased reimbursement. We distinguish ourselves through our commitment to excellence. Our coding experts continuously train to stay current with evolving regulations and guidelines. This commitment to ongoing education guarantees that your claims are error-free and compliant, reducing claim denial. We leverage advanced software solutions to expedite the coding process, delivering results with unmatched precision.
Contact us today and experience the best services with us.

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