Follow these 3 tips to get your team excited about dental sleep medicine

Follow these 3 tips to get your team excited about dental sleep medicine

It is an undeniable fact that dental practice needs to build a relationship with other medical practitioners because this collaboration is necessary for referral purposes. Developing mutually valuable referral connections might result in a regular expansion in the number of clients you might not have otherwise met. In the United States, almost 100 million individuals consult their physician yearly but do not attend the dentist (Shervin Molayem, 2021). This is a significant concern because oral health matters. It is necessary for the two healthcare practitioners to connect more (Shervin Molayem, 2021).

A partnership between dentists and other primary care professionals has the possibility of improving oral health care for patients in rural and distant regions (Jackie Stuart, Ha Hoang, Len Crocombe & Tony Barnett, 2017).

OSA is irregular breathing while you sleep, which can interrupt your sleep or cause aberrant gaseous exchange (Tammarie Heit, Bea Janine Tablizo, […], and Manisha Witmans, 2022).While TMD is a complex condition frequently linked to poor body alignment, dysfunctional behaviors, dental work, braces, mental stress, injuries, disc architecture, and the pathophysiology of the musculature (Akshat Sachdeva, Sumit Bhateja et al., 2020).When it comes to treating TMD or sleep apnea, many people need clarification on whether a dentist can address these issues or not.

Follow these 3 tips to get your team excited about dental sleep medicine

The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine developed the definition for this field in 2008, and it is as follows:

Dental sleep medicine is a branch of dentistry that specializes in using oral appliance treatment to treat respiratory disorders associated with sleep, such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (About Dental Sleep Medicine, 2020).”

It will be necessary to expedite future dentists’ training for them to be ready to diagnose and treat this unique group of patients as quickly as feasible (Frank Lobbezoo, Nico de Vries, Jan de Lange, Ghizlane Aarab , 2020).

Educate them on the dangers of untreated OSA for your patients

Sleep apnea is a severe situation that impairs your body’s capacity to breathe while sleeping. Oral Sleep Apnea is a worldwide problem affecting 20 to 30% of Americans. According to estimates, 70 million people have sleep apnea, which is the cause of their insufficient sleep and several health issues like diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure, but many are unaware of it.

The dangers of uncontrolled sleep apnea

  • OSA is considered periodic constriction and blockage of the pharyngeal airway during sleep(Amal M Osman, Sophie G Carter, and Danny J Eckert, 2018).
  • The position of the tongue, jaws, and head may alter due to altered breathing patterns and airways, which may result in a malocclusion (Wasundhara A. Bhad, Nikita Baheti, Santosh J Chavan, dr.siddharth Sonwane, 2020).
  • A significant global health burden is caused by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which impacts reduced productivity, chronic disease, accident risk, and cardiometabolic health (Kate Sutherland, Peter A. Cistulli , 2019).
  • Many studies suggest that OSA promotes the development of hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction, and early death (Jose M.Marin MD, Santiago J.Carrizo MD, 2007).

These patients may get relief and improve their sleeping patterns if they receive a proper diagnosis and effective therapy. Suppose your team understands the hazards of OSA and realizes the benefits that providing dental sleep medication may have on your patients. In that case, your team members will be inclined to support this new program you want to implement. This will happen when you invest time in educating them about the incidence of sleep disorders and the issues they might create. You must assure them that their support and presence are crucial in this plan.

Invest in comprehensive training

One conversation at a team meeting or even one-on-one training is a fantastic strategy to start. Still, having your team members ready to adopt a Dental Sleep Medicine program in your office might not be sufficient. All participants need to be enrolled in thorough training as a next step. By providing them with the proper training, you can help create a robust program and give your staff the self-assurance and technical know-how they need. This will also enable them to understand why dental sleep medicine is such a vital therapy to provide your patients.

The whole-team teaching method ensures that each team member is aware of the advantages of implementing this program to your customers’ care and how they may achieve its objectives. Additionally, it will guarantee that every staff member conveys the same information to patients when addressing thorough examinations and other sleep-related services the clinic will soon offer.

Dental sleep medicine provides opportunities for professional growth

Dental practices are increasingly focusing on sleep medicine, which will be more and more crucial to the success of their practice. As evidenced by the establishment of professional, scientific societies nationally and globally, dental sleep medicine is a growing field (Wasundhara A. Bhad, Nikita Baheti, Santosh J Chavan, dr.siddharth Sonwane, 2020).

By providing Dental sleep medicine, your team has the chance to develop additional knowledge and secure a future in this growing field. Appreciating sleep medicine will equip them with the knowledge needed to achieve their next career achievement. You can discuss these advantages at a team meeting or one-on-one. Request each co-worker’s opinion and find out how they would want to participate. Assure them that you appreciate their feedback and that you would like them to be responsible for their part in the program. As you begin to see an increasing number of patients with OSA and other sleep-related issues, this will engage the entire team, and that interest will also develop.

The amazing benefits of practicing dental sleep medicine

Professional pride, prestige

The entire staff will know that they go beyond the boundaries of the dentistry profession to provide comprehensive healthcare. This will create a sense of happiness and energy in them.

Acquire and retain patients and increase revenue

Today, patients are more concerned about their sleep disorders and the issue of inadequate oxygen supply to their brains. For this, they are increasingly consulting therapists. They will come to your practice when they know that your dental practice is providing dental sleep medicine. Dental sleep medicine is a relatively new and expanding area of dentistry (Aoife Brid Stack , 2022). When more and more patients come into your clinic for this treatment, your practice’s income will increase.

A unique life-saving service

An acceptable fact is that excellence is not the only attractive option; difference and uniqueness also play an essential role in competing and ranking healthcare sectors. The dental/medical service you will provide with DSM is distinctive. Moreover, this will boost your income too.

Let MedsDental billing company handle the billing of dental sleep medicine

Dental sleep medicine includes a variety of appliances and machines, each having a different code to submit a claim. Staying updated with these plethoras of codes and new rules of submitting claims is overwhelming for dentists because they already have a couple of patients to treat appropriately. Therefore, the MedsDental Dental Billing Company has come forward to assist you by taking the responsibility of hectic billing so that you can focus on your practice. Now, if you think about why you should choose Meds Company, we are here with many advantages. Our experienced team is devoted to streamlining your revenue cycle using intelligent technology and software. We provide error-free and HIPAA-compliant services to our partners without charging any onboarding fee. Moreover, our enthusiastic team is available round-the-clock for you to answer your queries and boost your reimbursement by up to 30%. The company is trustworthy in accurately implementing each step of billing so you can gain benefits.

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